General terms and conditions - conditions of carriage - passenger rights - cookies
Practical information
General terms and conditions
The following General Terms and Conditions apply to purchases from Molslinjen A/S, CVR no. 17881248.
The General Terms and Conditions apply from May 18th 2022.
1.1 'Passenger' means any natural person who is or will be transported by ship in accordance with agreement with Molslinjen A/S, as well as the person accompanying a Vehicle or Goods.
1.2 'Baggage' means items transported in connection with a passenger carriage agreement. Baggage can be divided into four categories:
1.2.1 'Hand baggage' means the baggage a Passenger has in his or her possession or which the passenger has in or on his or her Vehicle.
1.2.2 'Vehicle' means the motor vehicle which a Passenger drives on board the ferry.
1.2.3 'Valuables' means money, securities, silver, gold, watches, jewels, jewellery and works of art.
1.2.4 'Other baggage' means baggage which is not covered by the definitions in sections 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3.
1.3 'Goods' means objects that are not covered by the definition in section 1.2. Lorries, vans, buses, and goods transported on such vehicles are Goods, unless they are the driver's or Passenger's personal belongings and are used as passenger cars, where they are considered Baggage.
1.4 'High-value goods' includes, but is not limited to, tobacco, spirits, jewellery, cash and other similarly tradable items.
1.5 'Transport container' means any container, trailer, flatbed, pallet, tank or similar.
1.6 'Dangerous goods' means goods which are covered by section 257(1) and (2) of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act (Søloven).
2.1 The present General Terms and Conditions apply to any agreement on carriage entered into by Molslinjen A/S, regardless of whether a document is issued. In addition to this, the Conditions of Carriage displayed on the ferry apply.
2.2 Molslinjen A/S cannot be held liable for loss, direct or indirect, including loss of revenue, unless otherwise provided by the mandatory rules of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act or other mandatory legislation.
2.3 Molslinjen A/S limits its liability as much as possible under the rules of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act.
2.4 In special weather conditions, cars may be exposed to salt spray.
2.5 Unless mandatory rules in the Merchant Shipping Act or other mandatory legislation provide for other jurisdiction, all disputes with Molslinjen A/S must be settled in accordance with Danish law at the home court of Molslinjen A/S.
2.6 Reservation is not a guarantee of carriage, but is considered to be a free capacity inquiry on the ferry in question. Reservations will be automatically deleted if check-in is not completed at least 10 minutes before scheduled departure.
2.7 If there are disaster, ambulance or police vehicles on sold-out departures, the reserved vehicles which arrived last will be put on hold.
2.8 If the agreement concerns a specific ship, Molslinjen A/S is entitled to fulfil the agreement with another suitable ship, and any information about ship type is not binding on Molslinjen A/S.
2.9 Departure and crossing times stated by Molslinjen A/S are considered to be approximate, and Molslinjen A/S does not guarantee that they will be complied with. Molslinjen A/S assumes no liability for service interruptions in terms of connections to trains, coaches and other means of transport.
2.10 Molslinjen A/S reserves the right to charge an additional fee of up to DKK 750 if passengers pass through check-in/ticket inspection without paying, or travel without a valid ticket for the selected mode of transport. Vehicle controls are carried out in such a way that the booking information at check-in is compared with the vehicle's technical specifications via "Bilstatistik" (the Car Statistics database).
2.11 It is possible to purchase tickets using cash at the staffed ticket sales offices in the ports and using the Dankort payment card as well as some of the most common payment cards in ticket machines and on the shipping company's websites. The shipping company accepts payment in Danish kroner (DKK).
2.12 Molslinjen A/S reserves the right to charge a fee of DKK 100 for personal service for buying or changing tickets.
2.13 When purchasing the option "avoid ramps" check-in at the port must be done no later than 10 minutes prior to departure, in order to guarantee your space on the lower deck.
3.1 There is no right of withdrawal for contracts for passenger carriage services, see section 1(4)(iv) of the Danish Consumer Contracts Act (Forbrugeraftaleloven).
3.2 If the ticket type permits changes, a ticket may be changed to another Molslinjen A/S departure within the validity period. Please note: If you change your ticket to another ticket type, for example, from a Low-Price ticket to a Standard ticket, the ticket terms of the original ticket will still apply to the changed ticket.
3.3 If the ticket type permits changes, the ticket may be changed from one mode of transport to another by contacting Molslinjen A/S on tel. +45 70 10 14 18 or in person. For example, a ticket for a 'Low car' can be changed to a ticket for a 'Tall car', a 'Walk-on' ticket can be changed to a 'Low car' ticket and so on. If the new ticket costs more than the original ticket, you must pay the difference. If the balance is negative, you will not receive the difference.
3.4 Molslinjen A/S reserves the right to charge a fee of DKK 100 for changing the ticket via the telephone or personal service at the port.
3.5 If you accidentally double-book (purchase two identical tickets for the same departure), you can have one of the tickets refunded by writing to kundeservice@molslinjen.dk BEFORE the scheduled departure. To receive a refund, both tickets must have been purchased no more than ten minutes apart for the same departure.
3.6 Low-Price tickets are valid for up to one month from the original travel date and can be changed for a fee as well as payment of a possible price difference until the time of departure. Low-Price tickets are non-refundable. Nor when changing to another ticket type. The number of Low-Price tickets available on the different departures varies, and Low-Price tickets are sold according to the first come, first served principle.
3.7 Standard tickets are valid for up to three months from the original travel date and may be changed and/or refunded until the agreed departure time. Standard tickets may be changed online without any charge. For a refund, a fee is charged per booking of 20% of the ticket price, but at least DKK 100, which is deducted from the amount of the refund.
3.8 Standard Travel Passes are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Unused Trip Pass tickets are refundable for up to 12 months after expiry of the pass against a fee of DKK 100 per pass. For refunds, used trips on the pass are calculated at the current list price for the price category that the original purchase would have achieved. Together with the refund fee, this amount is deducted from the original purchase price.
3.8.1 Standard tickets for buses are valid for up to three months from the original travel date and may be changed and/or refunded until the agreed departure time. The ticket is refundable until the agreed departure time in accordance with the following rules: If the ticket is cancelled more than 14 days before the agreed departure time, a refund fee of 20% of the ticket price will be charged per booking, but at least DKK 100, which is deducted from the amount of the refund. If the ticket is cancelled less than 14 days before the agreed departure time, 50% of the ticket price will be refunded.
3.9 Business BlueClass tickets are valid for up to 12 months from the original travel date and may be changed and/or refunded without any charge during this period.3.10 Business BlueClass Travel Passes are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. It is not possible to extend the validity period of the Trip Pass. The Trip Pass includes an automatic car reservation for a passenger car without a trailer for any departure in the validity period of the pass. If the Trip Pass is used less than five minutes before the scheduled time of departure, the right to an automatic car reservation will lapse, and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to get on the ferry for this departure, as the ferry may be getting ready for departure. Business BlueClass Trip Passes are refundable for up to 12 months after the expiry date. For refunds, used trips on the pass are calculated at the current list price for the price category that the original purchase would have achieved. This amount is deducted from the original purchase price.
3.11 Any fees are not refundable and will be deducted from the amount of the refund. To request a refund, please send an email to kundeservice@molslinjen.dk. The amount will be refunded as quickly as possible after the shipping company has checked that the conditions for a refund have been met.
3.12 For package trips purchased through companies other than Molslinjen A/S, the customer's claim for cancellation, change or refund must be made directly to the provider in question.
4.1 For carriage of Passengers and Baggage, tickets are issued at check-in.
4.2 Molslinjen A/S is not liable for the time before the Passenger walks or drives on board and after the Passenger has disembarked.
4.3 For persons with disabilities or other need for special assistance, the shipping company provides parking close to the lift, where possible.
4.4 The shipping company may require that sick/disabled passengers have their own accompanying person during the crossing.
4.5 Molslinjen A/S is under no circumstances liable for live animals transported as Baggage.
4.6 Molslinjen A/S is not liable for loss of Valuables.
4.7 Molslinjen A/S is solely obliged to compensate for losses caused by the loss of or damage to Baggage due to an incident during the carriage if the loss or damage was due to the fault or neglect of Molslinjen A/S itself or someone for whom Molslinjen A/S is responsible.
4.8 Molslinjen A/S will compensate for losses caused by a Passenger being killed or injured due to an incident during the carriage in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 392/2009.
4.9 A summary of passenger rights in the event of death, personal injury, loss, or damage to Baggage as a result of incidents during the carriage with Molslinjen A/S is set out in Appendix A below these General Terms and Conditions and can be found at molslinjen.dk.
4.10 Molslinjen A/S is solely obliged to compensate for loss or damage caused by delay in the carriage of Passengers or the carriage or delivery of Baggage due to the fault or neglect of Molslinjen A/S.
4.11 Molslinjen A/S is entitled to leave the carriage, or part of it, to another shipping company. If a particular part of the journey is carried out by another shipping company, Molslinjen A/S will not be liable for loss, damage or delay occurring during the part of the journey carried out by the other shipping company. The same applies if the Passenger has the right to be wholly or partially transported by another shipping company.
4.12 Complaints about the conditions on board must be directed to the staff of the department in question. Complaints regarding the carriage must be directed to the shipping company via the website.
5.1 For the carriage of Goods or Transport containers, a ticket is issued. The issue of a ticket does not mean that Molslinjen A/S has received Goods or a Transport container into its custody, see section 275 of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act, as Goods and Transport containers are left on Molslinjen A/S's premises at the expense and risk of the orderer, the sender or the recipient until the Goods or the Transport container are/is loaded on board the ship.
5.2 Entry and exit to and from the deployment areas at the ferry berths must be through the shipping company's portals for check-in and possible photography.
5.3 The orderer, sender or recipient is encouraged to secure the Goods and Transport container in the best possible way, as Molslinjen A/S's premises are not monitored or specifically secured.
5.4 Transport of Goods, possibly in a Transport container, handled by Molslinjen A/S or anyone for whom Molslinjen A/S is responsible, is subject to the conditions in section 4.
5.5 Molslinjen A/S is entitled to carry the Goods or Transport containers either below or above deck without further notice, and Molslinjen A/S has the right to carry Goods in a Transport container.
5.6 Molslinjen A/S is not liable for loss, damage or delay to Goods or Transport containers, when the loss, damage or delay is due to deficient lashing, securing and stowage of the Goods or other operations for which the orderer, sender or recipient is responsible, and Molslinjen A/S is not required to check that the Goods are properly secured, lashed or stowed. Molslinjen A/S is solely obliged to examine the Goods if the Transport container is visibly damaged on the outside.
5.7 The orderer, sender or recipient is responsible for the lashing, securing and stowing of Goods.
5.8 Molslinjen A/S can leave the Goods or Transport container without liability, if the item cannot be carried on board due to technical defects, such as support legs that cannot be lifted or malfunctioning brakes. Molslinjen A/S will subsequently inform the orderer, sender or recipient.
5.9 Valuable goods are transported only by prior agreement with Molslinjen A/S, and if Molslinjen A/S has not been informed in advance, Molslinjen A/S will not be liable for loss, damage or delay.
5.10 Dangerous goods are not allowed on board the high-speed ferries.
5.11 If the orderer, sender or recipient of the Goods or Transport container does not immediately collect them after Molslinjen A/S has unloaded them, Molslinjen A/S will store the Goods or Transport containers at the expense and risk of the orderer, sender or recipient according to section 274(3)(2) of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act.
5.12 Molslinjen A/S has a right of pledge and lien in Goods or Transport containers which are under the control of Molslinjen A/S, both for all costs incurred for the Goods or Transport containers – remuneration and storage rent included – and for all Molslinjen A/S's other claims against the orderer, sender or recipient.
5.13 Compensation claims or other claims against the shipping company will under no circumstances be offset against the ticket price or the shipping company's outstanding account.
6.1 Molslinjen A/S's processing of personal data is covered by our Privacy Policy.
On all Molslinjen A/S websites, including molslinjen.dk, we collect information about your visit to the website. We do this in order to optimise the website and its functionality, to increase user-friendliness on the website in connection with the booking of tickets and for targeted marketing. The information cannot be attributed to you as a person, but only to the computer from which you have visited the website. The information is collected via cookies. You can read more about cookies in the following. You must be aware that by visiting molslinjen.dk, you consent to the guidelines described here.
7.1 What are cookies, and how are they used?
Cookies are a standard technology that virtually all websites use. A cookie is a small text file that is added to your browser's memory. Among other things, it means that we can keep track of your ticket order. In addition, it gives us statistics that we use to improve our website for our users. Some browsers are set to accept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings so that cookies are not accepted. Doing so, however, means that many websites, including molslinjen.dk, will not work optimally. Cookies are not programmes running on your PC, but are small text files that are sent to and from your computer. Cookies are not spyware or viruses, so they are not harmful to your computer. Cookies can be divided into cookies that disappear when you close your browser (session cookies) and cookies stored on your computer (permanent cookies). Permanent cookies will be deleted after a given period/time interval. In addition, there is a distinction between cookies which have molslinjen.dk as a sender (first-party cookie) or cookies which have been sent by one of our partners – typically our media agency. In that case, it is a third-party cookie.
7.2 Overview of cookies at molslinjen.dk
deparetureRegion: On the front page when you select the region in the "quick booking module". The aim of this cookie is to save information about the departure city selected so that the user does not have to select it manually every time they access the page. The cookie is a first-party cookie and is a permanent cookie that will be deleted after 365 days.
acceptedGeolocation: Will be added when the user chooses to accept or reject the use of geolocation. The value is then used to determine whether geolocation may be used on the website. The cookie is a first-party cookie and is a permanent cookie that will be deleted after 365 days.
QuotedTicketsKey: A cookie that will be added in connection with a booking. The purpose of this cookie is to retrieve the prices first offered to the customer. This means that the price the customer was shown is always the price the customer is shown when they get to the payment window. The cookie is a first-party cookie and is a permanent cookie that will be deleted after 15 minutes.
ARRAffinity: Used by Azure on which the website is hosted. Azure uses the cookie to determine whether the site should be scaled (if a larger machine is to be used). The cookie is a first-party cookie and will be deleted as soon as the browser is closed.
ASP.NET_SessionId, LB and AWSSELB will be associated with payment at Epay. They will be deleted as soon as the browser is closed or the payment goes through. The cookie is a third-party cookie.
Online Marketing Cookies: Molslinjen A/S is advertised on the internet and uses cookies so that Molslinjen A/S and our media agency can count the number of clicks, visits and the effect of advertising on the internet. Molslinjen A/S uses technical solutions provided by Adform, Facebook and Google Remarketing. These solutions add an anonymous cookie on visits to selected places on the website, and when internet banners for Molslinjen A/S are displayed or clicked on. All data stored are anonymous. The Adform cookies that are placed have the following names and expiry dates:
o uid is a permanent cookie that expires after two months.
o cid is a permanent cookie that expires after two months.
o Token is a session-specific cookie.
o _ga is a permanent cookie that expires after two years.
o _gid is a permanent cookie that expires after 24 hours.
o _gat is a permanent cookie that expires after 10 minutes.
o DV is a permanent cookie that expires after one day.
o CONTENT is a permanent cookie and will not be deleted.
o NID is a permanent cookie and will be deleted after one year and five months.
o All Adform and Google remarketing cookies are third-party cookies.
o tr is a permanent cookie that expires after three months. tr is a first-party cookie used to analyse Facebook users' behaviour and for retargeting when selecting target groups and campaigns on Facebook
Webanalytics cookies: To ensure continual improvement of the MOLSLINJEN website, anonymous statistics are collected using the Google Analytics web analytics tool. The purpose of these cookies is to count the number of visits from different browsers or computers. In addition, Google Analytics stores cookies indicating the source of traffic for a visit and how the user has navigated at molslinjen.dk. All cookies stored by Google Analytics are anonymous and have a randomly generated user number. All Google Analytics cookies have a name that contains 'UTM' and are third-party cookies. You can see the full description of Google Analytics cookies here. You can disable Google Analytics cookies here.
7.3 Disabling cookies
You can choose to disable cookies, but it will mean that many websites, including molslinjen.dk, will not work optimally. If you wish to disable cookies, you can find information about how to do it on this page: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering
7.1 Log statistics are used on all Molslinjen A/S's websites, including molslinjen.com, which means that a statistical system collects information that can provide a statistical view of how many visitors a website has had, where they come from, in which part of the site the visit was abandoned and more. Log statistics are used, amongst other things, for the purpose of optimising the website and its functionality and for increasing user-friendliness.
7.2 Molslinjen A/S holds the copyright to all material published on the website.
The material may not be distributed or reproduced without permission. You may freely link to information on the website. So-called 'deep links' are also allowed, please contact molslinjen@molslinjen.dk for direct links.7.3 Molslinjen A/S reserves the right to change information and possible errors on the company's websites. The information on the websites is updated on a regular basis, but errors may occur. Molslinjen A/S is not responsible for direct or indirect loss due to the use of information on the websites. Links to third-party servers are not the responsibility of Molslinjen A/S, and the content of a third-party server is not the responsibility of Molslinjen A/S. Downloads of documents from Molslinjen A/S's websites are at the user's own risk.
7.4 By using this website, the user accepts the terms of this document. The content is updated as required, so that you as a user will always know what information Molslinjen A/S collects and why. Molslinjen A/S reserves the right at any time to amend, add or remove parts of the document. Therefore, please visit these pages and check if something has been changed. By continuing to use Molslinjen A/S's websites after changes have been made, the user accepts the changes. By ordering a ticket via one of Molslinjen A/S's websites, the user agrees that Molslinjen A/S uses personal data as described by Molslinjen A/S in this document. Molslinjen A/S complies with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data (Persondataloven).
8.1 If you wish to complain about your purchase, please contact Molslinjen A/S at kundeservice@molslinjen.dk. If we fail to find a solution, you can file a complaint with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority's Complaints Resolution Centre, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, via www.forbrug.dk.
8.2 You can also use the European Commission's online dispute resolution portal, which will, however, mainly be relevant if you are a consumer domiciled outside Denmark. You can find the portal here: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. When submitting a complaint, please provide our email address kundeservice@molslinjen.dk.
8.3 The right to complain lapses after 180 days, as some of the information we use to process your complaint will be deleted after this period.
Right to compensation in case of death or personal injury
Maritime accident: The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier or the carrier's insurance company of up to 250,000 SDR in all cases, except for cases beyond the carrier's control (e.g. war, natural disaster, third-party action). Compensation may amount to up to 400,000 SDR, except if the carrier proves that the incident occurred without its fault or neglect.
Non-maritime incident: The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier or the carrier's insurance company of up to 400,000 SDR if he/she proves that the incident was a result of the carrier's fault or neglect.
Right to compensation for loss of or damage to hand baggageMaritime accident: The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier of up to 2,250 SDR, except if the carrier proves that the incident occurred without its fault or neglect.
Non-maritime incident: The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier of up to 2,250 SDR if he/she proves that the incident was a result of the carrier's fault or neglect.
Right to compensation for loss of or damage to baggage in addition to hand baggageThe passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier of up to 12,700 SDR (vehicles including baggage in or on the vehicle), except if the carrier can prove that the incident occurred without its fault or neglect.
Right to compensation for loss of or damage to valuables
The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier of up to 3,375 SDR for loss of or damage to money, negotiable securities, gold, silver, jewels, ornaments and works of art, if such valuables have been deposited with the carrier for safe storage.Right to compensation for loss of or damage to mobility aids or other specific equipment belonging to passengers with reduced mobility
The passenger is entitled to compensation from the carrier corresponding to the replacement value or repair cost of the equipment, unless the incident occurred without the carrier's fault or neglect. The carrier's fault or neglect is a condition in the event of a maritime accident.Right to advance payment in case of a maritime accident
In case of death or personal injury, the passenger or another person entitled to compensation will be entitled to an advance payment to cover immediate financial needs. The payment is calculated on the basis of the damage suffered and must be calculated within 15 days and must not be less than 21,000 EUR in case of death.Procedure
Written notice
In the event of damage to hand baggage or other baggage, the passenger must provide timely written notice to the carrier. Failure to comply with this will result in the passenger losing his or her right to compensation.Deadlines for exercising passenger rights
In general, any insurance case before a court must be initiated within a period of two years. The starting point of this period may vary depending on the nature of the loss.Exemptions regarding liability
The carrier's liability may be reduced if the carrier proves that a passenger's death or personal injury or damage to his or her baggage was due to or caused by the passenger's fault or neglect.
Limitations on the different amounts of compensation do not apply if it is proved that the damage was caused by an act of the carrier or one of the carrier's agents or by the executing carrier, and the act was carried out with the purpose of causing such damage or with the knowledge that the damage might occur.
Conditions of Carriage
Carriage of passengers, cars and baggage is carried on our ferries or by our chartered ferry according to Molslinjen A/S's General Terms and Conditions, which are available at molslinjen.com.
In addition to this, the present Conditions of Carriage apply during your stay on board the ferry.
These Conditions of Carriage apply from January 26th 2024.
The traveller must be in possession of a ticket or similar valid travel document when boarding by car or as a foot passenger. Tickets may be purchased at molslinjen.com, by telephone and at check-in. On molslinjen.com, you will also find a complete overview of all ticket types and the relevant rules for change and refund. The ticket must be paid for prior to departure and must be kept for the duration of the journey. The shipping company reserves the right to charge a control fee (750 DKK) if a passenger is found boarding without a valid travel document. To request a refund of tickets, for whatever reason, please send an email to the shipping company at kundeservice@molslinjen.dk.
When carrying ill passengers, the shipping company may require a medical certificate as well as request an accompanying person for the ill passenger whilst travelling. Care or medical supervision cannot be provided. The shipping company will not arrange for the boarding or disembarking of an ill passenger, unless the illness has occurred during the journey.
The traveller is obliged to comply with the instructions of the captain and ship officers, see section 408 of the Danish Merchant Shipping Act. Damage to the shipping company's equipment and the property of others will result in a claim for damages. Drunken persons may be refused access, even if they have a ticket. The sale of alcohol to drunken persons and to persons under the age of 18 is forbidden by law. Children under the age of seven may not travel alone, but must be accompanied by a person over the age of 16. For persons with disabilities or other need for special assistance, the shipping company provides parking close to the lift, where possible. During the crossing, staying on the car deck is prohibited, and no smoking is allowed anywhere on the ferry. Travellers may not, without the shipping company's permission, offer goods for sale, distribute printed matter, advertisements, samples, arrange collections or similar on board and on land. Only food or drink bought in the Business Lounge and in the restaurant may be enjoyed there.
The sale of alcohol to drunken persons and to persons under the age of 18 is forbidden by law. Passengers are not allowed to bring food or drink into the restaurant; this may be enjoyed in the designated areas. Pets are not allowed in the restaurant or at the checkout counters in the bistro and café. Complaints about the conditions in the restaurant, bistro and café must be directed to the staff of the department in question.
Pets should preferably be left in the car during transit. Pets brought into the passenger areas must be kept on a leash or in a suitable box and may only be brought into the special 'dog areas' on board.
Valuables left on the ferry are handed over to the police. Forgotten medication is handed over to the police or for destruction at a pharmacy as soon as possible. Other lost property is stored by Molslinjen A/S for up to seven days, after which it will be destroyed or given to charity. At molslinjen.dk, a search form may be completed to search for lost property.
Dangerous goods are not allowed on board the high-speed ferries.
Complaints about the conditions on board must be directed to the staff of the department in question. Complaints regarding the carriage must be directed to the shipping company through our helpdesk.
In case of damage or injury to vehicles, persons, baggage or goods in a transport container on board, any claims may only be made against Molslinjen A/S if a claims report has been completed by a member of staff. The staff on board the ferry must thus be contacted immediately in case of an accident. However, a completed claims report does not mean that Molslinjen A/S automatically accepts responsibility. The claim can be reported by filling out this form
Molslinjen A/S's ferries are registered in Denmark, and the safety language on board is Danish.
Passenger rights
We are following Regulation (EU) no. 1177/2010 about passenger rights regarding travels by sea and travels on inland waterways, these apply since December the 18th, 2012.
Summary of the stipulations concerning the rights of passengers, can be seen by following the link to EU'S summary to the right of this page.